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Human-Computer Communication through Natural, Graphical, and Artificial Languages - Fall 2019

Professor Stuart Shieber For more information about this course, visit the Harvard Course Catalog 

Curricular Design for Computer Science: Computational Linguistics and Natural-language Processing - Fall 2019

Professor Stuart Shieber This graduate seminar focuses on the design of a curriculum and pedagogical infrastructure for a new computer science course. This term, the target…

Introduction to Intellectual Property Law - Fall 2019

Professor Ruth L. Okediji  This is an introductory course on intellectual property (IP). It will cover the major justifications for the principal forms of IP (patents,…

Contracts 1 - Fall 2019

Professor Ruth L. Okediji  This course will provide a comprehensive study of the law that governs enforceable promises. It begins with a study of the sources of contract…

Fair Trial - Fall 2019

Professor Charles Nesson Fair trial teaches the fundamentals of the Sixth Amendment, the right of a criminal defendant to be confronted by a prosecution based on the testimony…

Advanced Topics in Evidence - Fall 2019

Professor Charles Nesson The epistemology of legal, scientific, and political truth. We will consider proof by witness, proof by expert, proof by statistics and CSI, and the…

Fairness and Privacy: Perspectives of Law and Probability - Fall 2019

Professor Martha Minow From old problems like affirmative action to newer ones like the turn to algorithms in criminal justice and credit, law and private actions use group…

Constitutional Law: Separation of Powers, Federalism, and Fourteenth Amendment - Fall 2019

Professor Martha Minow This course is one of the two basic courses in the field; it focuses on the separation of powers and federalism and on the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal…

Technology and Inequality - Fall 2019

Professor Yochai Benkler Since the 1970s, income for the median worker in the United States has stagnated. At the same time the share of income and wealth held by the top 1%…

Cyberlaw Clinic Seminar - Fall 2019

Professor Christopher Bavitz with Jessica Fjeld  This seminar is required for all students enrolled in the Cyberlaw Clinic. The course incorporates instruction about…

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