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Establishing a Commission in MA re: Use of AI in State Government

Testimony shared with the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight of the Massachusetts Legislature

Oct 15, 2019

Is Libra Dead?

Elizabeth Renieris says that might be the wrong question to ask

Oct 15, 2019

Guns on social media: complex interpretations of gun images posted by Chicago youth

“How should we interpret gun images on social media?” Desmond Patton asks

Oct 15, 2019

The Modern Bystander Effect

Desmond Patton talks to PBS about violence Facebook Live

Oct 14, 2019
The Harvard Gazette

The do’s and don’ts of sharing about your children online

Leah Plunkett shares tips for navigating technology when it comes to kids

Oct 11, 2019
On The Media, WYNC

Sticks and Stones

Susan Benesch discusses our complicated legal right to speak.

Oct 11, 2019
ABA Journal

European Union high court sends new signals on reach of internet regulation

Can an EU member state’s court can order an internet company to take down or de-list information online?

Oct 10, 2019

Why technologists need to get involved in public policy

We will never get the policy right if policymakers get the technology wrong, Bruce Schneier says.

Oct 10, 2019

Why International Human Rights Law Cannot Replace Content Moderation

CJEU’s Ruling in Glawischnig-Piesczek v. Facebook and the Conflicting Regulation of Prior Restraint in Regional Human Rights Systems

Oct 9, 2019

Competition in the Digital Age

Padmashree Gehl Sampath says African countries need to begin thinking about comprehensive policymaking

Oct 9, 2019
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