MIT bound!
Ethan Zuckerman is becoming director of the Center for Civic Media
Photo by oso, CC BY-NC-SA
Huge congratulations to our friend and colleague Ethan Zuckerman on his new gig at the MIT Media Lab!
Here's the news via Ethan's blog:
So, I got a new job. A really cool new job.
As of September, I’ll be based at the MIT Media Lab as a principal research scientist and director of the Center for Civic Media. The Center is the next generation of the “Center for Future Civic Media” founded by Henry Jenkins, Mitch Resnick and Chris Csikszentmihályi in 2007, supported by the Knight Foundation, to explore the opportunities, challenges and questions that surround communities, news and information in a digital age. The Knight Foundation announced a renewal of their support for the Center today, and we’re relaunching as the Center for Civic Media this fall. The press release announcing these changes is here, and Harvard’s Nieman Lab has an interview with me discussing about the new position.
Ethan's amazing capacity for integrating scholarship and action -- fueled by a mix of leadership, teamwork, creativity, and experimentation -- makes him the ideal person to lead the Center for Civic Media ("a leader I'd follow off any number of cliffs"). As a deeply committed leader, teacher, researcher, and provocateur, Ethan will be a lovely and catalytic addition to the Media Lab team ("a type of quantum energy not seen since the Big Bang"). All of us at the Berkman Center look forward to continued collaboration in the years to come!
And speaking of (the Center for) civic media and the Knight Foundation, tune in here at 2:30pm ET for the live webcast of the 2011 Knight News Challenge winners... [Ethan blogs the winners here, one of which, Zeega, we're especially excited about.]