On Tibet
Protests in Tibet - and the Chinese response and troop build-up in Lhasa and elsewhere - have dominated headlines recently. China's blocking of YouTube, and other Internet expression issues, have been a part of the story. Berkman projects and people weigh in...
- The OpenNet Initiative blogs on the information gaps between China and Tibet.
- Global Voices listens to the blogosphere, on both sides of the barriers.
- Global Voices co-founder and former Berkman Fellow Rebecca MacKinnon has been watching closely, and critically; check out her most recent post on Anti-CNN and the Tibet information war.
- StopBadware.org picks up reports of email malware attacks on pro-Tibet groups.
- The Internet & Democracy project blogs regret at the violence but welcomes cracks in the great firewall and a test of the Internet's free speech promise.
- The Wall Street Journal touches on some of the corporate ethics issues raised by China's YouTube block. (Today, March 25, the NYU Law Information Law Institute Colloquium is hosting a panel, co-sponsored by Berkman, on precisely these questions; more information here.)