Tim Davies works on projects at the intersection of civic engagement, technology, facilitation and community engagement. He is co-founder of the Open Data Services workers co-operative, exploring approaches to build sustainable open data commons for effective open government. From 2013 to 2015 he was research coordinator for the Web Foundation's open data programme, leading the Exploring the Emerging Impacts of Open Data in Development Countries project, and working on the development of the Open Contracting Data Standard.
Tim is a PhD Candidate in Web Science at the University of Southampton, where he is focused on the interaction of open data policy, technology and practice, and their impacts on creating space for deeper and more inclusive civic engagement. As active participant in civil society fora linked to the Open Government Partnership, and co-directory of Practical Participation, Tim also works on the design and facilitation of processes for open policy making.
Recent publications
- Open Data in Developing Countries - Emerging Insights from Phase I (July 2014)
- Mixed incentives: Adopting ICT innovations for transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption, With Silvana Fumega (June 2014)
- Open Data Barometer Global Report (2013 & 2015)