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Dr. Baihan Lin is a tenure-track professor in AI, psychiatry, and neuroscience at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, where he directs the Bytes of Minds Lab. He is renowned for his expertise in trustworthy Neuro-AI and computational psychiatry at Columbia University and IBM TJ Watson Research Center. With extensive industry experience spanning Google, IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, and BGI, along with over 50 publications and patents, Dr. Lin pioneers a neuroscience-inspired AI approach to develop accessible technologies enhancing human-AI and human-human interactions in clinical settings, particularly benefiting neuropsychiatric patients.

Holding a PhD in computational systems biology from Columbia University, Dr. Lin also earned master's degrees in applied mathematics, data visualization, and cellular molecular biophysics from University of Washington, Parsons School of Design, and Columbia University. Notable as a Bell Labs Prize and XPRIZE finalist, his contributions lie in real-world applications and real-time algorithms in deep learning, natural language processing, and reinforcement learning. His work significantly advances understanding of neural systems, supports patients with mental health conditions, and drives the evolution of affective and empathetic AI.

Beyond research, Dr. Lin has authored books, chaired conferences and workshops, served on program committees and editorial boards, and taught tutorials and courses internationally on emerging topics at the intersection of technology and society.