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May 21, 2007

Citizen Media Law Project Launches Website

The Citizen Media Law Project - a joint venture of the Berkman Center and the Center for Citizen Media - has launched their new website!  The CMLP's mission is to provide…

May 21, 2007

OpenNet Initiative Releases Results!

The OpenNet Initiative has just released the findings of its first global study of Internet filtering at St.

May 18, 2007

Survey of Government Internet Filtering Practices Indicates Increasing Internet Censorship

First Year of Global Survey Examines 41 Countries by Political, Social and National Security Filtering

First Year of Global Survey Examines 41 Countries by Political, Social and National Security Filtering

May 18, 2007

Berkman Buzz, week of May 14

BERKMAN BUZZ: A look at the past week's online Berkman conversationsThe Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Law SchoolWeek of May 14, 2007What's going on...

May 17, 2007

RIAA IP Tracking Woes

Questions surrounding the effectiveness of MediaSentry, the information security company hired by the RIAA to monitor for legally suspect exchanges of copyrighted content, have…

May 17, 2007

China Veers Away From Real-Name Blogging Requirement

A policy that would require Chinese bloggers to register their real names has been hotly debated since this was announced last Fall.  There are other means of determining a user's…

May 16, 2007

Google Forced to Address Censorship in Thailand

For about two months, the government of Thailand has been blocking access to YouTube, Google's video-sharing website.  The government claimed that numerous videos broke the law…

May 16, 2007

Weinberger Interviews Arianna Huffington

The latest in a series of interviews conducted by Berkman Fellow David Weinberger for Wired News, has just been posted.  David's guest this time is Arianna Huffington,…

May 15, 2007

Corinna di Gennaro on "Digital Natives: Participatory Culture or Self-Representation?"

Corinna di Gennaro joined us this afternoon to discuss "Digital Natives: Participatory Culture or Self-Representation?"The growing diffusion of Internet adoption and use and the…

May 15, 2007

Egyptian Judge Seeks to Block ONI Website

Last week, an Egyptian judge filed a lawsuit demanding that access to 50 websites be blocked, including the OpenNet Initiative (ONI).  According to the ONI, Egypt has only…

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