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Apr 6, 2008

Internet & Democracy project releases study of "Iran's online public"

We are pleased to announce a major research release from the Internet & Democracy project: "Mapping Iran’s Online Public: Politics and Culture in the Persian Blogosphere."

John Kelly

John W. Kelly, Ph.D is the founder and CEO of Graphika, a social media analysis firm founded on technology he invented that blends social network…

Apr 4, 2008

Berkman Buzz: Week of March 31, 2008, Tunisian video-activism, T-Mobile's claim to magenta, CC licensed specification, Topic Maps, and this week's BUZZ!


Child Exploitation, Pornography, and the Internet: Seminar - Spring 2009

This course addresses the complex legal, technological, and social questions created by the rapidly increasing distribution of both child and adult pornography on the Internet…


CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion - Fall 2008

This year's Cyberone will begin with empathic argument and programming from scratch, then segue immediately to projects.


Practical Lawyering in Cyberspace: Seminar - Fall 2008

Using a variety of cyberlaw-related case studies drawn from recent, actual controversies, along with targeted readings, court filings, real-life testimony, deposition videotapes…

Apr 4, 2008

Charles Nesson advances University in a Google world

Find a comfortable chair and pop the corn. As part of the Berkman Center’s ongoing tenth anniversary celebration, Berkman@10, we’re retrieving some classics from our multimedia…

Apr 3, 2008

Tunisian video activists (and Ethan Zuckerman) on BoingBoing tv

From Berkman Fellow Ethan Zuckerman...Xeni wanted to feature some of the topics I talked about in my Cute Cats talk, but realized that it’s hard to summarize the entire talk in a…

Apr 3, 2008

<--Filter Flash--> April 2008

A special alert for our community on the latest from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School and our tenth anniversary celebration, Berkman@10.

Apr 3, 2008

Communia and iCommons Call for Papers

The deadlines for papers the first ever Commmunia Conference and the iCommons Summit '08 is quickly approaching.

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