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Aug 25, 2008

Born Digital arrives on bookshelves

The Berkman Center is pleased to announce that Faculty Co-Director John Palfrey and Faculty Fellow Urs Gasser's "Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital…

Aug 22, 2008

Trolling for Trouble

Daniel LaMagna, an intern with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, offers his take on Internet trolls over on the Digital Natives blog.

Aug 22, 2008

Berkman Buzz: Week of August 18, 2008

Internet filtering at the Olympic Games, competitive science, a call to free the white spaces, and this week's BUZZ!"

Aug 20, 2008

Digital Natives: Sharing Knowledge

This week the Digital Natives Reporters in the Field Series takes a look at collaborative studying in a "web 2.0" world.

Aug 20, 2008

Join Professor Benkler's Cooperation Research Group

Local research assistants are wanted to join Professor Yochai Benkler's group this fall, which is embarking on a new effort to provide a map of commons-based and cooperative peer…

Aug 19, 2008

Shaping the future of privacy

IAAP's Navigate 2008

John Palfrey and Jonathan Zittrain are in New Hampshire this week for a "think-tank retreat" arranged around key privacy issues and questions...

Aug 15, 2008

Berkman Buzz: Week of August 11, 2008

Free software licensing, the iPhone's kill switch, Chinese censorship and this week's BUZZ!

Aug 14, 2008

Chinese blogger Twitters his detention; GV translates

Global Voices reports on citizen reporter Zhou “Zuola” Shuguang's detention and release, all detailed via his Twitter stream...

Aug 13, 2008

Digital Natives: life cycle of a digital dossier

The Digital Natives Reporters in the Field series changes tactics this week with a narrated slide show from intern Kanupriya Tewari. The piece explores the accumulation of data --…

Aug 11, 2008

Apple keeps mum

Over on the blog, Max Weinstein writes, "The other day, Rob Pegoraro at the Washington Post wrote a column about Apple’s tendency to keep its mouth shut rather…

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