Digital Natives: Sharing Knowledge
This week the Digital Natives Reporters in the Field series takes a look at collaborative studying in a “web 2.0 world.” In "David Kosslyn: Studying Online (Part I)," the co-founder of an academic networking site, StudyBuddy, discusses his vision for learning online.
Without further ado, here is "David Kosslyn: Studying Online (Part I)" as presented on the the Digital Natives blog:
So far we’ve explored many areas of a digital native’s life – from privacy, piracy to digital information overload- but now we bring you the more positive efforts that Digital Natives are making. It seems that everything is accessible online in today’s world- then why not studying?
We sat down with David Kosslyn, a rising senior at Harvard, who along with two other friends, is starting up an online academic networking site named StudyBuddy. We talked to him about issues that this may bring about for non-digital natives but also about how studying online can either aid or hinder a digital native's learning process.
The following video, produced by Kanupriya Tewari, is part one where we explore the aims and accomplishments StudyBuddy hopes to acheive.
Come back next week to watch part two of David’s story!
Stay tuned for more Reporters in the Field episodes that, by doing and creating, explore the themes of the project and of John Palfrey and Urs Gasser's forthcoming Born Digital. And join in the exploration by commenting in text or video on the Digital Natives blog or YouTube channel.
Also on the horizon, the Cambridge book release party for Born Digital: September 23; save the date!
And! good news for Amazon Kindle users: Born Digital will be published in book form and for the Kindle.