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Oct 3, 2008

Berkman Buzz: Week of September 28, 2008

The Saffron Revolution, Skype surveillance in China, "Scobleization," and this week's BUZZ!

Oct 2, 2008

Berkman fall events continue: two special events next week

Next Tuesday we're hosting a book party for "Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness after the Digital Explosion," with the book's three authors, and, on Thursday, a…

Oct 2, 2008

"Breaching Trust," China’s TOM-Skype platform

Our colleagues at the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab have released a major report, "Breaching Trust: An analysis of surveillance and security practices on China’s TOM-Skype…

Oct 1, 2008

Internet Safety Technical Task Force meeting roundup

Last week the Berkman Center hosted a public meeting of the ISTTF. Technology submissions, presentation slides, and video are being made available for those who were unable to…

Sep 30, 2008

Internet & Democracy project releases case study on Kenya's post-election crisis

From the Internet & Democracy blog... We’re following up yesterday’s release of our Burma case study with a look at Africa and the role of technology in Kenya’s post-election…

Juliana Rotich

Juliana Rotich

Sep 29, 2008

Digitally Networked Technology in Kenya's 2007-2008 Post-Election Crisis

Using the lens of the 2007-2008 Kenyan Presidential Election Crisis, this case study illustrates how digitally networked technologies, specifically mobile phones and the Internet,…

Sep 30, 2008

<--Filter Flash--> September 2008

In this short issue of The Filter, we invite you to dig into Born Digital, to explore a special visualization of Berkman@10, and to offer your feedback and advice as we think…

Sep 29, 2008

Harvard Graduate Student Awards - Applications Now Available

We're pleased to announce the BCIS Harvard Graduate Student Awards, intended to help Harvard University graduate students take interdisciplinary approaches to exploring Internet…

Sep 29, 2008

Internet & Democracy project releases case study on the "Saffron Revolution"

From the Internet & Democracy blog... Over the past few months, the Internet and Democracy team has been hard at work producing a new set of case studies that take a closer look…

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