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We need privacy and data laws to tackle this global pandemic

Governments are increasingly using digital technologies and big data analytics to address the Covid-19 pandemic. At this stage of the pandemic, these technologies may not deliver…

Mar 18, 2020

The government might want your phone location data to fight coronavirus. Here’s why that could be okay.

David O’Brien argues that the American government will have to walk a fine line if it wants to get useful information while still preserving citizens’ privacy rights.

Mar 18, 2020

How the Coronavirus Challenges our Model of Economic Growth

Despite heart-wrenching images in the media of people standing together and political calls for solidarity, the pandemic has laid bare the problems with globalisation and…

Mar 17, 2020
The New York Times

Why Telling People They Don’t Need Masks Backfired

To help manage the shortage, the authorities sent a message that made them untrustworthy.

Mar 17, 2020
MIT Technology Review

Here’s how social media can combat the coronavirus ‘infodemic’

With millions on lockdown, Facebook and Twitter are major sources of Covid-19 news. They’re also where misinformation thrives. How can platforms step up?

Mar 17, 2020

Governments Face Trade-Offs on Privacy in Fight Against Coronavirus

Elizabeth Renieris argues it’s not just the government that is having to navigate these complex questions.

Mar 16, 2020
The Washington Post

In fast-moving pandemic, sources of falsehoods elude authorities

Misleading text messages claiming that President Trump was going to announce a national quarantine buzzed into cellphones across the country over the weekend, underscoring how…

Mar 16, 2020
The Lawfare Podcast

The Lawfare Podcast: Kate Starbird on Pandemics and Infodemics

evelyn douek speaks with Kate Starbird, an expert in crisis informatics, or the study of how information flows during crisis events.

Mar 16, 2020
Beaumont Enterprise

Elisabeth Sylvan on public schools and distance learning

BKC's managing director weighs in on the challenges that school districts face

Mar 14, 2020
BBC News

Minecraft ‘loophole’ library of banned journalism

BKC affiliate Helmi Noman weighs in on a library filled with articles by censored journalists, hosted in the game Minecraft

Mar 14, 2020
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