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Just Security

SolarWinds as a Constitutive Moment: A New Agenda for the International Law of Intelligence

Asaf Lubin calls the SolarWinds Hack a "constitutive moment" in Just Security

Dec 23, 2020
The Guardian

The US has suffered a massive cyberbreach. It's hard to overstate how bad it is

In The Guardian, Bruce Schneier says the US must rethink its cybersecurity protocols

Dec 23, 2020

How YouTube helps form homogeneous online communities

Jonas Kaiser and colleague discuss YouTube's recommendation algorithm

Dec 23, 2020
Dec 19, 2020

When disinformation becomes a political strategy, who holds the line?

Oumou Ly explains the important role media and tech companies play in patrolling false information, in an op-ed for The Hill.

Social Media + Society

Black Memes Matter: #LivingWhileBlack With Becky and Karen

Apryl Williams publishes in Social Media + Society

Dec 18, 2020
Dec 17, 2020

Some Reflections on the Role of Government in Trustworthy AI

Urs Gasser shares his remarks from the Launch Event of Colombia’s AI Ethics Framework.

Dec 17, 2020

Q&A: Armando Guio Español on AI Ethics and Policy

BKC affiliate drafted Ethical Framework for Artificial Intelligence in Colombia

BKC affiliate drafted Ethical Framework for Artificial Intelligence in Colombia

Dec 17, 2020

BKC Policy Practice on AI Hosts Expert Review of Colombia’s AI Ethical Framework with Focus on Youth

Colombia President Iván Duque Márquez launches AI framework; BKC’s Urs Gasser delivers keynote

Colombia President Iván Duque Márquez launches AI framework; BKC’s Urs Gasser delivers keynote

Marketplace Tech

We hardly ever talk about YouTube and disinformation. Not anymore.

evelyn douek joins Marketplace Tech podcast to discuss YouTube and disinformation

Dec 17, 2020

Toward a wehrhafte journalism

Jonas Kaiser shares his predictions for journalism in 2021 with NiemanLab.

Dec 17, 2020
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