Digital Natives: a digital community of learners
This week, with Born Digital landing on bookshelves, the Digital Natives Reporters in the Field series continues its look at collaborative studying in a "web 2.0" world. Digital Natives intern Kanupriya Tewari presents "Studying Online (Part II)," a deeper glimpse into academic networking site StudyBuddy, introduced to us last week in "David Kosslyn: Studying Online (Part I)."
Without further ado, here is "Studying Online (Part II)" as presented on the the Digital Natives blog:
Last week we introduced you to David Kosslyn, who is starting up a website, StudyBuddy, in the hopes of bringing together digital natives online to study together. There David talked about his hopes and aims regarding the project.
In this week’s video, produced by Kanupriya Tewari, we are going to look at the implications of StudyBuddy; from cyber-bullying to the loss of face-to-face interaction.
Watch part one here.
Come back next Wednesday for more multimedia on online privacy, cyber bullying, digital activism and more!And check out freshly released Born Digital!
Stay tuned for more Reporters in the Field episodes that, by doing and creating, explore the themes of the project and of John Palfrey and Urs Gasser's Born Digital. And join in the exploration by commenting in text or video on the Digital Natives blog or YouTube channel.
Also on the horizon, lots of Born Digital discussions and events, including the Cambridge book release talk and party: September 23; save the date!