iBrattleboro Victorious!
The Citizen Media Law Project and Media Re:public hail community news and information site iBrattleboro.com's "significant victory," "a wonderful outcome," in a libel lawsuit brought against the site's co-founders: the lawsuit was dismissed under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.
From the Citizen Media Law Project...
A Vermont judge has dismissed the libel lawsuit filed against Chris Grotke and Lise LePage, co-founders and owners of iBrattleboro.com, a widely acclaimed community journalism site based in Brattleboro, Vermont, ruling that Grotke and LePage are immune from liability under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act ("CDA 230").
From the Media Re:public blog...
Living up to his title, Vermont judge the Honorable David Howard has ruled to release ibrattleboro.com from a libel lawsuit that aimed to hold the site responsible for comments posted by a reader.
(And for those who are in the LA area or willing to travel, the Media Re:public Forum, March 27-28, at USC Annenberg, still has some space available!)