eHealth in Developing Countries

The Future of Health Care?

June 18th, 2001

Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University


Organized by the Information Technologies Group at the Center for International Development within the Digital Nations Consortium

Program Schedule

Program Chair:  Dr. Hamish Fraser, Instructor of Medicine, Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School

8:30 - 9:00 am


Registration, Taubman Alison Dining Room, 5th floor, Taubman Building, Kennedy School of Government


9:00 - 11: 00 am

Welcome: Jeffrey Sachs, Director, Center for International Development, Harvard University 

Themes and Today's Agenda: Hamish Fraser, Harvard Medical School  

eHealth and Developing Countries: Using Research to Level the Playing Field: Alex Jadad, Director, Program in eHealth Innovation, University Health Network and University of Toronto

11:00 - 11:30 am


Coffee Break


11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Break-out Sessions: 
Viability: (Taubman 401) moderated by Alex Pentland, Academic Head, The Media Lab, MIT 
Health priorities and health surveillance in two LINCOS communities of the Dominican Republic
Timothy D. Dye, University of Rochester
Village Leap: Lessons in Telemedicine
Joseph C. Kvedar, M.D, Partners' Telemedicine
The Value of Information: (Taubman 275) moderated by Hamish Fraser, Instructor of Medicine, Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
The HealthLink Experience in South Africa
Candy Day, Health Systems Trust
Are Health Websites being used in the Developing World? 
Elizabeth Gummerson, Center for International Development
Access: (Taubman-Alison Dining Room) moderated by Michael Sholtz, Special Representative of the DG, WHO
The Anatomy of Telehealth in China and the Implications of Access to Medical Care
Jay Sanders, Global Telemedicine Group
AfriAfya African Network for Health Knowledge Management and Communication 
Vinand Nantulya, Harvard School of Public Health
Training: (Taubman 301) moderated by Janice Brodman, Director, Center for Innovative Technologies, EDC
Multimedia Training in the Philippines
Janice Brodman, Director, Center for Innovation Technoligies, EDC
Telehealth applications for continuing education and distance learning for health professionals

Leela McCullough, Director of Information Services, Satellife

Lunch Break - Taubman Dining Room Terrace

2:00 - 4:00 pm

Reports on Breakout Sessions and Plenary Presentations
Training: Janice Brodman, Director, Center for Innovation Technologies, EDC
The Value of Information: Hamish Fraser, Instructor of Medicine, Harvard University
Viability: Sandy Pentland, Academic Head, Media Lab, MIT
Access: Michael Scholtz, Special Representative to the Director General, WHO

4:00 - 4:30 pm

Wrap-up: Are developing nations ready for eHealth initiatives?
Jeffrey Sachs: Director, Center for International Development, Harvard University

5:30 - 7:30 pm


Dinner (Charles Hotel Pavillion), Brattle Ball Room

Plenary Presentations
Open Source and Open Content--a Perfect Match for Sustainable Development
Bud P. Bruegger, Sistema and Joseph Dal Molin, Minoru Development Corporation