Cyberscholars Working Group
at MIT
Tuesday, February 28th, 6:00pm
MIT E14-244
The Cyberscholar Working Group is a forum for fellows and affiliates of the MIT, Yale Law School Information Society Project, Columbia University, and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University to discuss their ongoing research. This month's presentations will include:
Digital commons: How does governance shape collaborative communities (in term of scale of participation and complexity of collaboration)?
Mayo will share insights on methodological lessons and action research dimensions of the methods employed to develop this "qualintative" (quantitative & qualitative) research.
Mayo Fuster Morell has developed research in the field of the Internet and politics; social movements (Global Justice Movement, Free Culture Movement and recent mobilization wave of "indignated" in Spain); online communities; common-base peer production; and public policies. She specializes in online methods and action-participation research.
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The Hacker as Media Metaphor: Policy Effects of the Media Portrayals of Hackers and Hacktivists
Molly Sauter is a graduate student in the Comparative Media Studies program at MIT, and a research assistant at the Center for Civic Media at the MIT Media Lab. Her research focuses on hacker culture, technology, and practice; transgressive modes of political engagement online; internet law and regulation; and the philosophy of technology.