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==Academic Articles and Papers==
Bibliographic entries used in each research question (1-12; defined by the [[Field Research Methodology]]).

==Blogs & Social Media==
= Overview of Economics of Intellectual Property in AE =
*Abbott, F., 2009. Innovation and Technology Transfer to Address Climate Change: Lessons from the Global Debate on Intellectual Property and Public Health, Geneva, Switzerland: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development.
**[[Alternative_Energy/Innovation and Technology Transfer to Address Climate Change|Highlights]]
*Barton, J., 2007. Intellectual Property and Access to Clean Energy Technologies in Developing Countries: An analysis of Solar Photovoltaic, Biofuel and Wind Technologies, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development. Available at: zotero://attachment/13516/ [Accessed May 15, 2009].
**[[Alternative_Energy/Intellectual Property and Access to Clean Energy Technologies in Developing Countries|Highlights]]
*Barton, J., 2008a. Mitigating Climate Change Through Technology Transfer: Addressing the needs of Developing Countries, Chatham House.
**[[Alternative_Energy/Mitigating Climate Change Through Technology Transfer|Highlights]]
* Branstetter, L., Fisman, R. & Foley, C.F., 2005. Do strong IP rights increase international Technology Transfer? Empirical Evidence from US firm-level data, Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.
**[[Alternative Energy/Do Strong IP increase TT|Highlights]]
*Big Oil putting more money into alternative energy programs, Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009].
*Brush, M., 2008. Global Policy and Investing Trends in Green Energy, Available at: /ViewDocument.asp?ID=5550 [Accessed May 31, 2009].
*Burgos, A., 2009. U.S. Chamber Joins IDEA Coalition to Protect IP Jobs. U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Available at: [Accessed July 9, 2009].
**[[Alternative Energy/ Chamber Joins IDEA|Highlights]]
*Clean Energy Stocks -News and Trends in Greentech and Renewable Energy. Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009].
* Closson, K., 2009. Intellecutal Property for Sustainable Energy, Tolland, CT: Nerac.
** [[Alternative Energy/ Intellecutal Property for Sustainable Energy|Highlights]]
*Copenhagen Economics & The IPR Company, 2009. Are IPR a Barrier to the Transfer of Climate Change Technology, Copenhagen: Copenhagen Economics. Available at: zotero://attachment/8653/ [Accessed May 15, 2009].
**[[Alternative Energy/Are IPR a Barrier to the Transfer of Climate Change Technology|Highlights]]
*Closson, K., 2009. Intellectual Property for Sustainable Energy, Tolland, CT: Nerac.
*Green Patent Blog, 2009. New Alliance’s Big IDEA: Strong IP is Essential for Green Innovation. Green Patent Available at: [Accessed July 9, 2009].
*Cust, J. et al., 2008. International Cooperation for Innovation and Use of Low-Carbon Energy Technology, Cambridge, UK: Climate Strategies. Available at: [Accessed August 3, 2009].
**[[Alternative Energy/International Cooperation for Innovation|Highlights]] 
*DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's, Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009].
*Gallagher, K.S., Holdren, J.P. & Sagar, -.A.D., 2006. Energy-Technology Innovation. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 31. Available at: [Accessed May 14, 2009].
**[[Alternative Energy/ Energy-Technology Innovation|Highlights]]
*Garthwaite, J., 2009a. Chu: For Green Building Design, We Need to Go Open Source. Available at: [Accessed July 26, 2009].
**[[Alternative Energy/For Green Building Design|Highlights]]
*Garthwaite, J., 2009b. The Clean Energy Revolution Must Be Collaborative . Business Available at: [Accessed July 9, 2009].
**[[Alternative Energy/The Clean Energy Revolution Must Be Collaborative|Highlights]]
* Garthwaite, J., 2009c. The Next Climate Deal: How Big is the Battle for Cleantech IP? Available at: [Accessed July 9, 2009].
**[[Alternative Energy/The Next Climate Deal|Highlights]]
* Garthwaite, J., 2009d. U.S. & China Team Up on Cleantech Research: Bane or Boon for IP? . Reuters. Available at: [Accessed July 21, 2009].
**[[Alternative Energy/ U.S. & China Team Up on Cleantech Research|Highlights]]
*Mills, M., 2008. Giant Leaps And Small Steps For Energy Technology Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009].
*Hirschmann, D., 2009. Technology Essential For Green Jobs & Planet. Intellectual Property Watch. Available at: [Accessed July 27, 2009].
**[[Alternative Energy/ Technology Essential For Green Jobs|Highlights]]
*ICTSD, 2008. Climate Change, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Rights, Copenhagen: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development.
**[[Alternative Energy/CC, TT and IPRs|Highlights]]
*Mara, K., 2009. Are Patent Exceptions Necessary For Climate Change Technology? Defining WIPO’s Role. Intellectual Property Watch. Available at: [Accessed July 27, 2009].
**[[Alternative Energy/Are Patent Exceptions Necessary For CCT|Highlights]]
*Nery, P., 2009. Thin Film Technologies Changing the Solar PV Business. Available at: 
*Mass Megawatts Wind Power, Inc.. Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009].
*Raciti, E., et al 2008. United States: Patent Standards And Investment In Alternative Energy, Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009]
*Reichman, J. et al., 2008. Intellectual Property and Alternatives: Strategies for Green Innovation, London, UK: Chatham House.
**[[Alternative Energy/Intellectual Property and Alternatives|Highlights]]
*Teja, J., Energy, Cleantech, and Intellectual Property: Managing Technology Convergence and Protecting Innovation, Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009]
*Timmerman, L., 2009. Energy R&D Network Proposal Has Seattle, Boston Leaders Eyeing Possibilities, Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009].
*Ward, M., et al Intellectual Property Diligence for Alternative Energy Markets: The Race to Commercialize Exclusive Positions, Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009]
*Weisbrot, M., 2009. Green technology should be shared. Available at: [Accessed July 17, 2009].
*Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency, Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009].
*US in danger of losing green-tech competition, experts say, Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009].
*The Wind Power Finance & Investment Summit. Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009].
*Renewable Energy Stocks- Insight Into Global Green Investing Trends and Opportunities. Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009].
*Solar Investing. Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009].
*Weisbrot, M., 2009. Green technology should be shared . Available at: [Accessed July 17, 2009].
**[[Alternative Energy/Green technology should be shared|Highlights]]

=== Blogs ===
= Give an overall picture of the AE field =
*Alternative Energy Blog []
*Clean Energy Patent Growth Index []
*Cleantech Blog []
*Green Patent Blog []
*Green Trust []
*Stanford Law School: Environmental & Energy Insights []
*The Energy Blog []
*The Financial Times/energy source []

=== Twitter ===
*Anadon, L.D. et al., 2009. Tackling US Energy Challenges and Opportunities: Preliminary Policy Recommendations for Enhancing Energy Innovation in the United States, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School. Available at: [Accessed April 30, 2009].
*Alternative Energy in the West Fall 2007 Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009].
*Bryden, I.G., 2004. Tidal Energy. In Encyclopedia of Energy.  New York: Elsevier, pp. 139-150. Available at: [Accessed May 7, 2009].
*Capello, D., 2007. Renewable Energy Investment in the US, SBI. Available at: zotero://attachment/5796/ [Accessed May 8, 2009].
*Capello, D., 2008. The US Solar Energy Market in a World Perspective, SBI. Available at: zotero://attachment/13429/ [Accessed May 8, 2009].
*Carlin, J., 2004. Renewable Energy in the United States. In Encyclopedia of Energy.  New York: Elsevier, pp. 347-363. Available at: [Accessed March 23, 2009].<br>
*Chen, C. et al., 2009. Weighing the costs and benefits of state renewables portfolio standards in the United States: A comparative analysis of state-level policy impact projections. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13(3), 552-566.<br>
*Electricity Transmission Primer, Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009].
*Gallagher, K.S., Holdren, J.P. & Sagar, ­.A.D., 2006. Energy-Technology Innovation. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 31. Available at: [Accessed May 14, 2009].
*Kammen, D.M., 2004. Renewable Energy, Taxonomic Overview. In Encyclopedia of Energy.  New York: Elsevier, pp. 385-412. Available at: [Accessed May 7, 2009].
*Lemonis, G., 2004. Wave and Tidal Energy Conversion. In Encyclopedia of Energy.  New York: Elsevier, pp. 385-396. Available at: [Accessed May 7, 2009].
*Lewis, J.I. & Wiser, R.H., 2007. Fostering a renewable energy technology industry: An international comparison of wind industry policy support mechanisms. Energy Policy, 35(3), 1844-1857.
*Luzzi, A. & Lovegrove, K., 2004. Solar Thermal Power Generation. In Encyclopedia of Energy.  New York: Elsevier, pp. 669-683. Available at: [Accessed May 7, 2009].
*Perlin, J., 2004. Solar Energy, History of. In Encyclopedia of Energy.  New York: Elsevier, pp. 607-622. Available at: [Accessed April 8, 2009].<br>
*Soderholm, P. & Klaassen, G., 2007. Wind Power in Europe: A Simultaneous Innovation-Diffusion Model. Environmental and Resource Economics, 36(2), 163-190.
*Sørensen, B., 1991. A history of renewable energy technology. Energy Policy, 19(1), 8-12.<br>
*The Energy Story, Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009].
*U.S. DOE, 2008. Renewable Energy Databook, U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Available at:<br>
*Weiss, C. & Bonvillian, W., 2009. Structuring an energy technology revolution, Cambridge  Mass.: MIT Press.
*Wiser, R.H. & Barbose, G., 2008. Renewables Portfolio Standards in the United States: A Status Report with Data Through 2007, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Available at: [Accessed April 30, 2009].
*Greentech Media. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009].
*Good Clean Tech. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009].
*Renewable Energy News. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009].
*Cleantech Blog. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009].
*Solar Feeds. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009].
*Ocean Renewables. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009].
*Tidal Today. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009].
*Wind Watch. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009].

=== News ===
= Country AE Profiles =

*Alternative Energy News []
== China ==
*Cleantech Group, LLC []
*Andrews-Speed, C.P., 2004. Energy policy and regulation in the People's Republic of China, Kluwer Law Intl. (available at:
*Climate Ark []
*Climate Change News []
*Climate-L []
*Global []
*Green Tech Media []
* []
*National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) []
*New York Times DotEarth []
*Renewable Energy Policy Network for the Twenty-first Century (REN21) []
*Renewable Energy World []
*Solar Buzz []
*Tree Hugger []
*Wind Works []
*World Changing []

==Business Association' Publications==
*Bohme, D. & Durrschmidt, W., 2008. Renewable Energy Sources in Figures: National and International Development, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).

*2degress []
*CSEP, 2009. The China Sustainable Energy Program: Renewable Energy. The China Sustainable Energy Program. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*American Solar Energy Society []
*American Wind Energy Association []
*Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs []
*California Energy Commission []
*Chatham House []
*Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy (DSIRE) []
*Energy Information Administration (EIA) []
*European Ocean Energy Association []
*European Wind Energy Association []
*Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) []
*International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) []
*International Energy Agency (IEA) []
*IEA Wind []
*International Renewable Energy Association []
*International Solar Energy Society [!Open]
*Lawrence Berkeley Lab []
*Ocean Energy Council []
*Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition []
*Solar Energy Industries Association []
*Sustainable Energy Finance Initiative []
*United Nations Environment Programme []
*United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change []
*US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy []
*US Environmental Protection Agency []
*World Future Council []
*World Wind Energy Association []
*Worldwatch Institute []

== Declarations and Manifestos==
*Hamrin, J., Wiser, R.H. & Baruch, S., 2008. Designing a Renewables Portfolio Standard: Principles, Design Options, and Implications for China, San Francisco: Center for Resource Solutions. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

==Governmental Resources and Reports==
*Hohler, A., 2008. Q-Cells: PV at the sharp end. Renewable Energy Focus, 9(3), 56, 58, 60.

==Market Reports==
*Junseng, L., 2004. Renewable Energy Policy in China: Financial Incentives, Colorado: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].

==Newspapers and Opinions==
*Junseng, L., 2004. Renewable energy policy in China: Overview, Colorado: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*Technological Forecasting and Social Change: An International Journal []
*Energy Economics []

==Databases and Statistics and Patents==
*Kreith, F. & Goswami, D.Y., 2007. Handbook of energy efficiency and renewable energy, CRC Press. Pages 2-29. Available at:
*Lewis, J.I., 2007. A Comparison of Wind Power Industry Development Strategies in Spain, India and China, Center for Resource Solutions. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*Martinot, E., 2009. Renewable Energy in China. Renewable Energy Information on Markets, Policy, Investment, and Future Pathways. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*Nersesian, R.L., 2006. Energy for the 21st century, M.E. Sharpe. Available at:
*NREL, 2004. Renewable Energy In China: Renewable Energy Business Partnerships in China. National Renewable Energy Laboratory - Renewable Energy in China. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*NREL, 2009. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technology Development in China. The National Renewable energy Laboratory - International Programs. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*Soderholm, P. & Klaassen, G., 2007. Wind Power in Europe: A Simultaneous Innovation-Diffusion Model. Environmental and Resource Economics, 36(2), 163-190.
*Van Rest, A., Lew, D. & Baoshan, L., 2001. Fueling China's Development Through Renewable Energy: U.S./China Protocol for Cooperation  in the Fields of energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Colorado: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*Wikipedia, 2009. Energy policy of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia - The Free Encylopedia. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*World Bank, 2009. China - Toward a Greener China. The World Bank: China. Available at:,,contentMDK:21644195~pagePK:141137~piPK:141127~theSitePK:318950,00.html [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*World Bank, 2009. China - Solar Systems for 400,000 Rural Households in China. The World Bank: Renewable Energy Development Project (1999 - 2007). Available at:,,contentMDK:21630705~menuPK:3949495~pagePK:1497618~piPK:217854~theSitePK:318950,00.html [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*World Bank, 2009. News & Broadcast - World Bank, GEF-Backed Energy Efficiency Program Expands in China. The World Bank: News & Broadcast. Available at:,,contentMDK:21610830~pagePK:64257043~piPK:437376~theSitePK:4607,00.html [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*World Bank, 2009. China - In Search of Clean Energy to Meet China's Needs. The World Bank. Available at:,,contentMDK:21589744~pagePK:141137~piPK:141127~theSitePK:318950,00.html [Accessed June 15, 2009].
== Denmark ==
*Walsh, B., 2008. How Denmark Sees the World in 2012. Time. Available at: [,8599,1828874,00.html] [Accessed May 1, 2009].
*2006. Renewable Energy: Recharging the American dream, available at: []
*2009. Danish Wind Energy Association. available at: []
*Hudson, G., 2009. ‘Obama, Please Beat Us!’ on Renewable Energy, says Denmark," Posted in About Energy, In Europe and available at: []
*1991. Energy policy, available at: []
*Douthwaite, M.B., 2002. Enabling innovation, available at: []
*Gipe, P., 1995. Wind energy comes of age, available at: []
*Smith, Z.A. & Taylor, K.D., 2008. Renewable and Alternative Energy Resources, available at: []
*Stone, A. et al., 2008. Denmark, available at: []
*Douthwaite, M.B., 2002. Enabling innovation,available at: []
*Bolinger, M., 2001. Community wind power ownership schemes in Europe and their relevance to the United States, Available at: [] [Accessed May 1, 2009].
*Marier, D., 1988. Denmark's evolving wind strategy,
= Innovations in Wind, Solar and Tidal =
*Ackermann, T. & InterScience, W., 2005. Wind power in power systems, John Wiley Chichester, West Sussex, England.
*anon, 2006. Wind power outlook 2006, Available at: [Accessed March 22, 2009].
*Available, N., 2006. Wind Power Today, Available at: [Accessed March 22, 2009].
*Available, N., 2009. Wind Powering America FY08 Activities Summary (Book), Available at: [Accessed March 22, 2009].
*Bearinger, J.P., 2009. Science & Technology Review March 2009, Available at: [Accessed March 22, 2009].
*Bird, L.A. et al., 2003. Factors driving wind power development in the United States, Available at: [Accessed March 22, 2009].
*Forsyth, T. & Baring-Gould, I., 2007. Distributed Wind Market Applications, Available at: [Accessed March 22, 2009].
*Grace, R.C. & Gifford, J., 2006. New England Wind Forum: A Wind Powering America Project; Volume 1, Issue 2 -- December 2006, Available at: [Accessed March 22, 2009].
*Group, N.S.W., 2002. Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, Available at: [Accessed March 22, 2009].
*Lewis, J. & Wiser, R., 2005. Fostering a Renewable Energy Technology Industry: An InternationalComparison of Wind Industry Policy Support Mechanisms. Journal Name: Energy Policy; Journal Volume: 35; Journal Issue: 3; Related Information: Journal Publication Date: 2006, Medium: ED.
*Mills, A.D., Wiser, R. & Porter, K., 2009. The Cost of Transmission for Wind Energy: A Review of Transmission Planning Studies, Available at: [Accessed March 22, 2009].
*Musial, W. & Ram, B., 2008. Status of Offshore Wind Energy Projects, Policies and Programs in the United States, Available at: [Accessed March 22, 2009].
*NONE, 1997. Proceedings: American Wind Energy Association, Available at: [Accessed March 22, 2009].
*Anadon, L.D. et al., 2009. Tackling U.S. energy challenges and opportunities: preliminary policy recommendations for enhancing energy innovation in the United States, Available at: [Accessed March 23, 2009].
*Anderson, J.V., Hauser, S.G. & Clyne, R.J., 1991. The Department of Energy's Solar Industrial Program: New ideas for American industry, Available at: [Accessed March 23, 2009].
*Archer, M.D., 2001. Clean electricity from photovoltaics, Imperial College Press.
*Available, N., 2008. DOE Solar Energy Technologies Program 2007 Annual Report, Available at: [Accessed March 23, 2009].
*Available, N., 2007. Solar America Initiative--In Focus: The Building Industry, Available at: [Accessed March 23, 2009].
*Barth, K., 2008. High Throughput, Continuous, Mass Production of Photovoltaic Modules, Available at: /servlets/purl/927426-96JVGH/ [Accessed March 23, 2009].
*Burch, G.D.S.D.O.E. & Tyner, C.E.N.L., 1994. The U.S. Department of Energy`s role in commercialization of solar thermal electric technology, Available at: [Accessed March 23, 2009].
*Jennings, C.E., Margolis, R.M. & Bartlett, J.E., 2008. Historical Analysis of Investment in Solar Energy Technologies (2000-2007), Available at: [Accessed March 23, 2009].
*NONE, 1996. Privatization and the globalization of energy markets, Available at: [Accessed March 23, 2009].
*NONE, 1981. Solar energy at Sandia National Laboratories, Available at: [Accessed March 23, 2009].
*Strahs, G. & Tombari, C., 2006. Laying the Foundation for a Solar America: The Million Solar Roofs Initiative, Available at: [Accessed March 23, 2009].
*Zweibel, K. & Singh, P., 1993. Harnessing solar power: the photovoltaics challenge. American Journal of Physics, 61, 286.
*Tidal Energy Development | Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center. Available at: [Accessed March 20, 2009].
*Baber, A.W., 1981. Utilization of the free and at present dissipated gravitational force inherent in tidal motion by conversion to electrical energy, using compressed air as the active intermediary,
*Fay, J.A., 1983. Harnessing the tides,
*Giguere, A., 1981. Apparatus for utilizing tidal variation to generate electricity. , Medium: X; Size: Pages: v.
*Gorlov, A.M., 1981. Some new conceptions in the approach to harnessing tidal energy,
*Hammons, T.J.U., 1993. Tidal power,
*Mashhoon, B. & Theiss, D.S., 1982. Relativistic tidal forces and the possibility of measuring them,
*Musial, W., 2008. Status of Wave and Tidal Power Technologies for the United States, Available at: [Accessed March 23, 2009].<br>
=Legal tools available for and in use by the actors of AE field: IP in AE=
= Competitive advantages in AE =
*Clean Energy Patent Growth Index 4th Quarter 2008. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009]
*The International Energy Agency. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009]
*Nunez, K., 2007. Journal of Business, Entrepreneurship and the Law. Gridlock on the Road to Renewable Energy Development: A Discussion about the Opportunities and Risks presented by Moderniztion Requirements of the Electricity Transmission Network. 
*Offshore Renewable Energy Law Blog. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009]
*Sovacool, B., 2008. Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology. Placing a Glove on the Invisible Hand: How Intellectual Property Rights May Impede Innovation in Energy Research and Development. 
*Wind Power Law Blog. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009]
= IP Profile of Biggest for-profit companies in AE =
*Capello, D., 2008. The US Solar Energy Market in a World Perspective, SBI. Available at: zotero://attachment/13429/ [Accessed May 8, 2009].
*Duetch, J., et. al., 2008. Center for American Progress: A Strategy to Spur Energy Innovation. Available at:
*Diaz Anadon, L., 2009. Tackling U.S. Energy Challenges and Opportunities: Preliminary Policy Recommendations for Enhancing Energy Innovation in the United States. Available at:
*Gunther, M., 2007. For solar power, the future looks bright. Available at:
*Reichman, J. et al., 2008. Intellectual Property and Alternatives: Strategies for Green Innovation, London, UK: Chatham House.
*Rubens, C., 2008. Earth2Tech. 13 Startups Energized by Waves and Tides. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009]
*Woolard J., 2008. Green Investor Podcast Series; Interview with CEO of Solar Company, BrightSource Energy, Inc.. Available at:
*2008. Solar energy company raises $50 million. Available at: 
*Ocean Tidal Power. Available at: 
*Ocean Wave Power. Available at:
*Wave Energy. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009]
*World's largest tidal power project set to begin operations later this year. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009]
*Tidal Energy Industry Boom. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009]
*Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Wind Energy Technologies. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009]
*Wind Powering America. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009]
*Development and Validation of High-Resolution State Wind Resource Maps. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009]
*National Wind Assessments. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2009]
[[Bibliography for Item 7 in AE]]<br>
*Bosik, D., 2009. Wind Power Market: Turbine Components & Subcomponents and Demand in the US and the World, SBI. Available at: zotero://report/items/7488/html/report.html [Accessed May 8, 2009].
*''Business and Company Resource Center Profile Information'' (Vestas Wind Systems A/S" International Directory of Company Histories, Vol. 73. St. James Press, 2006. Reproduced in Business and Company Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich.:Gale Group. 2009 []
*Capello, D., 2008. The US Solar Energy Market in a World Perspective, SBI. Available at: zotero://attachment/13429/ [Accessed May 8, 2009].
*Efiong, A. & Crispin, A., 2007. Renewable Energy: Wind Turbine Manufacturers; here comes pricing power. Industry overview, Merrill Lynch. Available at: zotero://attachment/5861/ [Accessed April 4, 2009].
*Gallagher, K.S., 2009. Acting in Time on Energy Policy, Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.
*Perez, C., 2009. Ocean Energy Technologies and Components Worldwide, SBI. Available at: zotero://attachment/5732/ [Accessed May 8, 2009].
*WWEA, 2009. World Wind Energy Report: 2008, World Wind Energy Association. Available at:
= IP Profile of non-profit companies in AE =
*Electric Power Research Institute, Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009]
* Links in [ Item 8 in AE Page]
= IP Profile of Universities working in AE =
* Links for bibliography in the [ Item 9 in AE Page]
= IP Profile of Associations in AE =
= Commons based cases in AE =
*Acha, V. & Cusmano, L., 2005. Governance and co-ordination of distributed innovation processes: patterns of R&D co-operation in the upstream petroleum industry. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 14(1), 1.
*Facebook, 2009. Americans for Alternative Energy - Global Group. Facebook. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*Google, 2009. Google Energy Information News and Updates - Google's Energy Information Group. Google Groups. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*Google, 2009. Google PowerMeter. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*Helft, M., 2008. Google’s Energy Ideas Might Emerge Under Open Source Licenses — Or Not . The New York Times: Green, Inc. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*Klein, S., 2008. An open source IEC-61850 Toolkit for utility automation and wind power applications. In Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, 2008. T&D. IEEE/PES. pp. 1-4.
*La Monica, M., 2008. Eco-Patent Commons shares earth-friendly tech . CNET News. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*La Monica, M., 2008. IBM co-founds green patent pool. ZDNet UK. Available at:,1000000091,39292114,00.htm [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*Make, 2009. Make: Online : Alternative energy gift guide - Solar, wind, fuel cell, biodiesel and more... Make: technology on your time. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*OSEN, 2009. Alternative Energy Network: Latest from Alternative Energy News . Alternative Energy Network by OSEN. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*PESWiki, 2009. Pure Energy Systems - Affordable DIY Solar and Wind. PESWiki: Pure Energy System Wiki. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*Sterling, B., 2009. The Smart Planet eco-patent commons and the Smart Growth Manifesto | Beyond The Beyond. Wired. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*US DoE, 2009. Energy Citations Database (ECD) . Energy Citations Database from the US Department of Energy. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*US DoS, 2009. Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs. U.S. Department of State - Diplomacy in Action. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*WBCSD, 2009. Eco-Patent Commons. World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
*YouTube, 2008. Eco-Patent Commons Created, Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
[[Bibliography for Item 11 in AE]]<br>
*Allan, S., Open Sourcing Clean Energy. YouTube. Available at: [Accessed May 22, 2009].
*DLC, 2009. The Digital Library of the Commons. The Digital Library of Commons. Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009].
*Equity Groups, 2009. Renewable Energy, News, Social Network. Equity Group: Rate Stocks, Get Respect, Make Friends, Learn from the Best. Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2009].
*Randal , A., 2007. Open Source Alternative Energy . O'Reilly Radar. Available at: [Accessed May 22, 2009].
*UPenn, 2009. OPEN LEARNING COMMONS | Global Environmental Sustainability Collaborative. Penn LPS: College of Liberal and Professional Arts. Available at: [Accessed May 22, 2009].
*Wiener, J., 2005. Sharing Potential and the Potential for Sharing: Open Source Licensing as a Legal and Economic Modality for the Dissemination of Renewable Energy Technology, Boston: Suffolk University Law School. Available at: [Accessed June 15, 2009].
[[All Bibliographic Sources]]

[[Category:Alternative Energy]]
[[Category:Alternative Energy]]
[[Category:AE Bibliography]]
[[Category:AE Bibliography]]

Latest revision as of 18:52, 4 May 2010

Bibliographic entries used in each research question (1-12; defined by the Field Research Methodology).

Overview of Economics of Intellectual Property in AE

Give an overall picture of the AE field

Country AE Profiles


  • Bohme, D. & Durrschmidt, W., 2008. Renewable Energy Sources in Figures: National and International Development, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).
  • Hohler, A., 2008. Q-Cells: PV at the sharp end. Renewable Energy Focus, 9(3), 56, 58, 60.
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Innovations in Wind, Solar and Tidal


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Legal tools available for and in use by the actors of AE field: IP in AE

Competitive advantages in AE

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IP Profile of Biggest for-profit companies in AE

Bibliography for Item 7 in AE

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IP Profile of non-profit companies in AE

IP Profile of Universities working in AE

IP Profile of Associations in AE

Commons based cases in AE

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Bibliography for Item 11 in AE

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