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Sandra Braman does research on the macro-level effects of information technologies and their policy implications -- problems of the co-construction of society, law, and technology. Current projects include analysis of human rights and the Internet design process, building on NSF-supported research on the history of the treatment of legal and policy issues by those involved in Internet design; legal arguments and policy tools that can be used in response to the "fake news" problem; and the techniques and implications of governance by AI. A second edition of Change of State: Information, Policy, and Power is underway. The Abbott Professor of Liberal Arts and Professor of Communication at Texas A&M University, 
Braman edits the Information Policy book series at MIT Press. 

Funders of Braman's research have included the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and the National Science Foundation. Braman designed and launched the first postgraduate program in telecommunications and information policy on the African continent as director of the program and visiting professor at the University of South Africa and has served as the Freedom of Expression Professor at the University of Bergen (Norway), a Fulbright Senior Scholar at Södertörn University (Sweden), and visiting professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). She is former Chair of the Communication Law & Policy Division of the International Communication Association and former Head of the Law Section, International Association of Media and Communication Research. 

Braman has published 11 books and monographs, with those of particular interest in the Berkman Klein Center context not already mentioned including the edited works Biotechnology and Communication: The Meta-Technologies of Information on the multiple shared spaces of bio- and digital technologies, and Communication Researchers and Policy-Making, with its analysis of and selections from 120 years of efforts to ensure that policy-making is informed by research findings.


Feb 21, 2017 @ 12:00 PM

Internet Designers as Policy-Makers

Sandra Braman, Abbott Professor of Liberal Arts at Texas A&M University

Those responsible for technical design of the Internet are essential among the policy-makers for this large-scale sociotechnical infrastructure. Based on analysis of the…