Emad Khazraee is a sociotechnical information scientists working on Indeed’s data science team.
Formerly, he held an assistant professor position in the iSchool at Kent State University and a post-doctoral research fellow position at the Center for Global Communication Studies (CGCS) at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania (2014-2015). He received his PhD in Information Studies from College of Computing and Informatics, Drexel University (2014).
His research is formed around the interplay between social and technical phenomena. His main research interest formed around the inquiry about how human ensembles use information technology to organize their collective action and the role information technologies play in such formations. Relying on sociotechnical approaches to social media studies and conceptual frameworks developed in Science Technology Studies (STS), he is exploring the role of social media in social transformations. While at the Berkman Klein Center, he worked with the misinformation working group and investigated the use of social media in political context. In the current year, he will continue to study the relationship between digital technologies, new media, and social change.