Ben Adida studied Cryptography and Information Security at MIT. His specific technology interests include authentication infrastructures, electronic voting, reliable and secure transactional storage, and web application software development. He's a member of the Creative Commons Technology Advisory Board and of the Center for Strategic and International Studies Authentication Workgroup. At the Berkman Center, Ben works on two fronts: balancing the interests of business and free software, and strengthening privacy in the context of the war on terror.
Ben is a free software developer. In 1998, he helped build and release under the GNU General Public License the ArsDigita Community System, one of the first web application toolkits. He went on to found OpenForce, a service provider for web applications based on entirely free software. OpenForce built the Creative Commons web site.
Ben holds a Bachelor's, Master's and Ph.D. in Computer Science from MIT in 1998, 1999, and 2006.