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Steve's work focuses on the intersection of law, technology, and public policy. While at the Berkman Klein Center, he helped to write Next Generation Connectivity, an expert review that informed the FCC's National Broadband Plan. He also managed Media Cloud, an open-source platform for news content analysis and began his efforts to free PACER, the federal courts' fee-based document access system. That work would ultimately grow into RECAP, a widely used free tool for sharing federal court records, a law review article on the constitutionality of PACER, and a federal class-action lawsuit.

Steve went on to become Associate Director of the Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton. You can read about his work on the center's blog, Freedom to Tinker. He then served as a Foreign Affairs Officer for four years at the Department of State, supporting global freedom of expression.

Among other things, he has published on government liability for cross-boarder cyber attacksinternet economics and complexity theory (in a chapter alongside Berkman Klein Co-Director Yochai Benkler), and the security and legal liabilities of our web encryption systems.

Steve is now an attorney in Washington, DC.


Feb 15, 2010

Next Generation Connectivity

A review of broadband Internet transitions and policy from around the world

The FCC announced that the Berkman Center would conduct an independent expert review of existing literature and studies about broadband deployment and usage throughout the world…


Aug 20, 2009

PACER users, RECAP the law!

Last Friday our colleagues at the Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP) at Princeton launched a new project, RECAP ("turning PACER around"), with an assist from Berkman…

Dec 16, 2008

Radio Berkman: A (Porn) Free Nationwide Internet?

This week on Radio Berkman, David Weinberger interviews Stephen Schultze on the FCC's (now postponed) vote on a plan for free nationwide wireless Internet...


Oct 14, 2008 @ 1:30 PM

Open Access to Government Documents

Berkman Fellow Stephen Schultze, in honor of Open Access Day

In the past twenty years, a remarkable number of government documents have been put online, yet some still remain behind a paywall. This talk argued that there is an alternative…

Apr 18, 2007 @ 1:45 AM

"So Many DJ" / "MyLegalVisualMemory"

MIT Comparative Media Studies Student Steve Schultz and ISP Fellow Julia Sonnevend

Steve Schultz discussed his paper "So Many DJs: Creative Flourishing on the Fringes of Networked Media" and Julia Sonnevend presented "MyLegalVisualMemory. The Visual Memory of…

Feb 6, 2007 @ 12:30 PM

From Participatory Culture to Participatory Democracy

Steve Schultze, MIT Comparative Media Studies Department

Steve Schultze discussed the convergence of pop culture and politics.