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Practical Lawyering and Internet-Related Issues - Fall 2005

Using a variety of Internet-related case studies drawn from recent, actual controversies, along with targeted readings, court filings, real-life testimony, deposition videotapes…

James Boyle

James Boyle  is William Neal Reynolds Professor of Law and co-founder of the Center for the Study of the Public Domain Duke Law School.

Dec 10, 2007

Information Quality and Reputation

From Berkman Fellow Urs Gasser...Heavily influenced by the work of Jean Nicolas Druey and Herbert Burkert, among others, I’ve been working on information quality issues in various…


The Microsoft Case - Fall 1998

Professors Lessig and Zittrain will teach a research seminar on the Microsoft case. The seminar will meet at least once a week, beginning the week of 9/21. It will review the…

The Law of Cyberspace: Social Protocols - Fall 1998

The class will consider the interaction between policy and technology, or more specifically, between law and various architectures of cyberspace. We will cover topics including…

The Law of Cyberspace - Spring 1999

This course will explore a series of leading Internet issues via a number of traditional and not-so-traditional methods. The course themes will include: whether the internet will…

The Law of Cyberspace - Winter 1997

This seminar will explore issues related to the regulation of cyberspace. It is not a course in computer law, or copyright, or intellectual property. It is instead an effort to…

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