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Apr 30, 2006

The Generative Internet

This Article explores ways - some of them bound to be unpopular among advocates of an open Internet represented by uncompromising end-to-end neutrality - in which the Internet can…

May 31, 2006

Regulating Search Engines: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead

This paper outlines the history of the technological evolution of search engines and explores the responses of the U.S. legal system to the search engine phenomenon in terms of…

May 31, 2006

Legal Frameworks and Technological Protection of Digital Content: Moving Forward Towards a Best Practice Model

This paper takes it as its baseline that many countries have already enacted legislation or will soon legislate on TPM in order to comply either with international obligations…

May 31, 2006

From Shakespeare to DJ Danger Mouse: A Quick Look at Copyright and User Creativity in the Digital Age

In this short essay, we first provide several examples to demonstrate that the law - especially copyright law - has not kept pace with the unfolding creative revolution of…

Aug 31, 2006

Digital Rights Management and the Process of Fair Use

This article examines several such proposals and finds that they are not likely to provide users with the same measure of protections for fair use of copyrighted works that exists…

Jun 13, 2006

The Move to the Middle: The Enduring Threat of Harmful Speech to Network Neutrality

This paper traces the evolution of thinking about the technical concept of the end-to-end principle and the legal concept of the regulation of the flow of packets across the…

Dec 1, 2006

The Future of Music and Film Piracy in China

This paper contemplates what the future holds for the protection of audiovisual works in China. It is meant to provide cultural and historical context to the copyright piracy…

Dec 1, 2006

EUCD Best Practice Guide: Implementing the EU Copyright Directive in the Digital Age

This report provides a set of recommendations for transposing the European Union Copyright Directive (EUCD) into the national copyright frameworks of accession states and…

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