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Systems Security - Spring 2024

This course explores practical attacks on modern computer systems, explaining how those attacks can be mitigated using careful system design and the judicious application of…

Systems Programming and Machine Organization - Fall 2023

Fundamentals of computer systems programming, machine organization, and performance tuning. This course provides a solid background in systems programming and a deep understanding…

Writing Group: Intellectual Property: Copyright, Patent, or Trademark Law - Fall 2023 - Spring 2024

For more information visit the Harvard Law School Course Catalog.

Teaching Copyright - Spring 2024

This course is designed for students who are interested in deepening their knowledge of copyright law and gaining experience with law teaching. Each student in the course will be…

Patent Law - Spring 2024

Roughly half of this course will examine and assess the legal rules in the United States and other countries governing patents. The other half will explore policy issues…

Legal Responses to the Global Health Crisis - Spring 2024

In recent years, global public health has taken a turn for the worse. The COVID-19 pandemic is only one of the causes. In addition, the progress that we have been making in…

Copyright - Spring 2024

This course explores copyright law and policy.  Approximately two thirds of the readings and class time are devoted to the American copyright system; the remainder are…

Workshop on Law and Political Economy - Spring 2024

This workshop is devoted to reading and discussing new scholarly work on law and political economy. Outside speakers and members of the Harvard faculty will present forthcoming…

Property 7 - Spring 2024

Basic introduction to property and the role of law in the construction of markets and social relations; an introduction to the vocabulary and grammar of legal forms; and initial…

Law and Political Economy - Spring 2024

Law and political economy is the study of how law shapes power in market societies.  The course will begin by looking at various approaches to thinking about law and market…

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