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Contracts 1 - Fall 2020

Professor Ruth Okediji This course will provide a comprehensive study of the law that governs enforceable promises. It begins with a study of the sources of contract law and…

Christian Legal Perspectives - Fall 2020

Professor Ruth Okediji This seminar will explore the role of faith and Biblical Christianity in shaping contemporary legal approaches to a variety of subjects including the…

Fair Trial - Fall 2020

Professor Charles Nesson This is a course about Jury as key to Sixth Amendment guarantees to persons accused of crimes. We will examine the rationale behind the rights…

Advanced Topics in Evidence - Fall 2020

Professor Charles Nesson We consider legal truth from jury view: proof by live witness, proof by expert, and the relationship of truth to evidence, time and viewpoint. …

Fairness and Privacy: Perspectives of Law and Probability - Fall 2020

Professor Martha Minow, Professor Cynthia Dwork From old problems like affirmative action to newer ones like the turn to algorithms in criminal justice and credit, law and…

Freedom of Speech Frontiers: Comparative and Global Perspectives - Fall 2020

Professor Martha Minow, evelyn douek The interconnected and frictionless world of the internet means free expression has unprecedented speed and reach. But in the last few…

Systems Security - Fall 2020

Professor James Mickens This course explores practical attacks on modern computer systems, explaining how those attacks can be mitigated using careful system design and the…

Patent Law - Fall 2020

Professor William Fisher, Professor Ruth Okediji Roughly half of this course will examine and assess the legal rules in the United States and other countries governing patents…

Cyberlaw Clinic Seminar - Fall 2020

Professor Christopher Bavitz, Mason Kortz, Jessica Fjeld This seminar is required for all students enrolled in the Cyberlaw Clinic. The course incorporates instruction about…

Counseling and Legal Strategy in the Digital Age - Fall 2020

Professor Christopher Bavitz This course explores the complex challenges that entrepreneurs, businesses, NGOs, and other organizations face when trying to address legal issues…

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