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Mar 12, 2021

The Breakdown: Lisa Kaplan on domestic disinformation

Q&A explores threat actors, early detection, and content moderation

Columbia Journalism Review

How a racialized disinformation campaign ties itself to The 1619 Project

Research from Joan Donovan and colleague shows how right-wing media enabled a disinformation campaign around The 1619 Project

Mar 11, 2021

COVID Skeptics Don’t Just Need More Critical Thinking

Crystal Lee speaks about her research on COVID skeptics with Slate

Mar 11, 2021

Bitcoin’s Greatest Feature Is Also Its Existential Threat

Bruce Schneier co-authors op ed on Bitcoin vulnerabilities

Mar 9, 2021
Yahoo Finance

Google's new privacy policy for Chrome won't stop targeted ads

Elizabeth Renieris discusses targeted advertising and Federated Learning of Cohorts

Mar 5, 2021
Mar 4, 2021

Organizing, Budgeting, and Implementing Wraparound Services for People in Quarantine and Isolation

A policy memo summarizing key arguments in favor of wraparound-supported quarantine and isolation programs.

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