Conectados al Sur - Breakfast of Ideas
Science Clubs Colombia Project (Clubes de Ciencia)
Friday, February 19, 2016, 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Berkman Center for Internet & Society
at Harvard University
23 Everett Street, Second Floor, Conference Room
STEM training for young students is correlated with the economic growth of countries because such training increases the possibility of access to higher education and subsequently careers in high paying industries, according to IDB. The problem in Latin America is that most youth do not have access to a quality general education and the vast majority cannot obtain basic skills in math, science and reading.
Participants will enjoy an exciting networking-breakfast and then discover the Science Clubs Colombia Project, featuring young Latin American scientists and researchers attending universities such as Harvard, MIT, and Stanford. These scientists and researchers are making a profound social change through a new educational platform developing intensive and high quality applied science courses for youth living in economic disadvantaged neighborhoods in major cities in the country.
The Breakfast of Ideas event seeks to gather both people from Latin American and individuals who have a sincere interest in Latin American affairs revolving around issues of children and youth, technology, Internet and social media, education technology, and new applications for social changes.
About Digitally Connected and Conectados al Sur
Digitally Connected and the sub-initiative Conectados al Sur for the Latin American and Caribbean regions, is a collaborative initiative between UNICEF and the Berkman Center building upon a multi-year partnership for analyzing digital and social media growth and trends among children and youth globally. Our team has at its core a network consisting of academics, practitioners, young people, activists, philanthropists, government officials, and representatives of technology companies from around the world who, together, are addressing the challenges and opportunities children and youth encounter in the digital environment.
About Antonio Copete
Antonio Copete, PhD. Postdoctoral researcher at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (Cambridge, MA, USA). Ph.D. and M.A. in Physics from Harvard University, and S.B. in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His area of research is High-Energy Astrophysics, in which he works making observations with the BAT telescope on board NASA’s Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Observatory mission. He is also a member of the organizing team of Clubes de Ciencia Colombia, along with other PhD students and post-doctoral researchers from Harvard, MIT and other Boston-area schools.
About Clubes de Ciencia Colombia
Clubes de Ciencia Colombia seeks to expand access to high quality science education and to inspire the future generation of scientists and innovators in Colombia and Latin America. They have designed a unique and innovative program with two components: (1) Science Clubs and (2) the online platform CdeC-Col. A “science club” is an intensive (one-week long) hands-on and project-oriented workshop, targeted at high school and undergraduate students. Each club is designed and run by a team of two young scientists, graduate students, or postdoctoral researchers: one based in the US and one based in Colombia. The team is creating international mentoring networks and fostering connections between students and among young scientists.