Radio Berkman 164: The University in Cyberspace
From the MediaBerkman blog:
What should be the mission of universities in cyberspace? What can universities contribute to the future of the internet? How can our educational institutions promote ideals of free exchange of information yet cope with the complex intellectual property challenges presented by the net?
A group of academic experts, University professors, administrators, and innovators met up to discuss solutions to this very issue at a conference entitled "University and Cyberspace: Reshaping Knowledge Institutions for the Networked Age" earlier this summer.
Charles Nesson was one of those participants. He joined David Weinberger in the studio to talk about how the University can tackle these challenges head on.
Interested? Inspired? "The online-only Journal Policy Futures in Education (PFIE) will publish a special issue on the impact of information technology and the Internet on universities: to keep and develop their role as knowledge institutions, how should universities reshape in this new environment?" More information on this call for papers can be found at http://www.communia-project.eu/PFIE-Call.
More Radio Berkman!
This "season" of Radio Berkman began with a special episode in which Professors Lessig and Zittrain discuss competition. We plan to make these Zittrain/Lessig episodes a regular feature, and we're looking for a name for their show: let us know what you think in the comments.
Finally, the next Zittrain/Lessig conversation will address network neutrality. Help us fill the show's mail bag, so to speak, by leaving your net neutrality-realted question/issue in the comments.