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Berkman@10: day two

The Berkman@10 conference moves into its second day.

Yesterday's series of plenary sessions was prefaced by recognition of the Berkman Center's history and successes (e.g., recent new roles and promotions); a rousing call for Jonathan Zittrain to accept Harvard Law's offer of tenure; a visit from eon, dean of cyberspace, and the announcement that Berkman is going university-wide. (Coverage is being collected on the conference wiki; point us to your thoughts on the conference and tag your posts berkmanat10.)

In parallel with the day's proceedings, Berkman's new Publius project added to its pieces on "tacit governance" with essays on innovation and collaboration from Zittrain, Reed Hundt, and Clay Shirky. (For another take on Publius, hop over to the Supernova 2008 Conversation Hub for an interview with David Weinberger.)

Today, social tools are again running, and some parts of the day will be webcast. If you are unable to attend in person, please join us in cyberspace...

SOCIAL TOOLS: The Question Tool, Tagging, Twitter, and more.

WEBCASTS: Webcasts of plenary sessions, live videoblogging, and YouTube testimonials from conference participants.

AGENDA: This morning, we are presenting six concurrent sessions on various facets of openness, considering its role in learning, architecture, language, innovation, global action, and the public sphere. Following the openness sessions, conference-goers will participate in a series of breakout sessions, including some that have been designed before the conference and some that are self-proposed. Josh Marshall will deliver a keynote at lunch.
The lunch keynote will be webcast live, along with closing remarks, "Onward!" at the end of the day.

WIKI: If you are registered for the conference, add your name and affiliation to the wiki, if you haven't already, and pose questions, propose ideas for breakout sessions, and help build the conversation.

GALA: Tonight we present the first-ever Berkman Awards and recognize Internet innovators at the Berkman@10 Gala (open only to Gala ticket holders). Winners will be announced on the Berkman website on Monday -- stay tuned.

While waiting for the announcement of the winners, be sure to check out the classic multimedia pieces we have been retrieving and re-presenting for the last few weeks in honor of Berkman@10...