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Interview with fellow Eric Priest

Berkman fellow Eric Priest was recently profiled in Chinese magazine IP Smart about DMX and the direction of digital media:

"Question: The Berkman Center for Internet & Society is one of the major forces to explore and understand cyberspace, its development, dynamics, norms, standards, and need or lack thereof for laws and sanctions. What's your research focus there? How does it correlate to your previous experience and personal interest?

Eric: Certainly, much of my interest in this area derives from my previous experience as a songwriter. I am drawn to this area because I recognize we are right at the cusp of a paradigm shift in how cultural works are created, shared, and enjoyed. For the past several years, the Internet has been viewed largely as a threat to the entertainment industries and copyright owners - a kind of haven for thieves and pirates in the eyes of music and movie companies.  My work at the Berkman Center has focused on how digital media and the Internet can provide opportunities for entertainment companies and copyright owners, rather than being a threat to them.  There are wonderful emerging business models that utilize all the best elements of what the newest technologies have to offer, and create exciting opportunities for artists and consumers alike. ..." 

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