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Making Connections Between China and Jamaica

Yesterday, in a thought-provoking session with the Digital Media in Asia Project, Professor Charles Nesson presented his ideas for forging connections between China and Jamaica. He explained that vibrant Internet development in both countries creates opportunities for connecting these two countries, which already have more connections (and reasons to connect further) than most people realize. China has a genuine interest in establishing a relationship with Jamaica, and Jamaica is looking for content and programming of interest to Jamaicans, as well as ways of expanding its business and cultural relations with China.

Drawing from his experience in the Jamaican prison project, Professor Nesson emphasized that it is not necessary to succeed in a big way ­-- if the project works for the people participating, then it is a success. But potential for success on a broader scale is there. He emphasized that the key to forging meaningful connections and international relationships is the art of seeing things from the other side's point of view. Professor Nesson engaged the audience in a dialog about how the internet and entertainment media might be harnessed to spark an interest and a connection between a colossal rising superpower and a tiny but universally loved island nation. Berkman fellow Rebecca MacKinnon contributed insight into the explosion of Internet usage in China: the number of blogs in China today is around 5 to 10 million ­ a huge jump from the 1 million accounted for only one year ago.

Professor Nesson welcomes continuing dialog with participants on this topic. Check out his discussion wiki,