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Re-engineering the curriculum

Re-engineering the curriculum

Ioannis (Yannis) Miaoulis, President of the Boston Museum of Science

Although humans make the majority of the objects we interact and use during our day-to-day lives, the current school curriculum focuses very little on how our human-made, or designed world, is made. Pens, cars, pills, buildings are all technologies and the results of the engineering design process. An increasing number of states now include the Engineering process and the nature of key technologies into their learning standards. Introducing engineering as the new discipline into the curriculum offers a wonderful project based learning vehicle for the entire K-12 spectrum that brings to life not only mathematics and the sciences but connects them with social studies, language and the arts. Dr. Miaoulis will describe the value of including Engineering in the formal curriculum and give examples of success at various learning environments. He will discuss the curriculum content for elementary, middle school and high school level and present how engineering makes all disciplines engaging for both boys and girls, and for all types of learners.

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Past Event
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
12:30 PM - 12:30 PM