New Skills, New Learning: Legal Education and the Promise of Technology
Gene Koo, Berkman Fellow
The Berkman Center for Internet & Society released Gene Koo’s study of legal education and technology: New Skills, New Learning: Legal Education and the Promise of Technology. Geneut presented his findings and facilitated discussion about their implications at this luncheon.
New Skills, New Learning, produced in collaboration with our partners from LexisNexis, makes the case that new technology has changed the skills that attorneys need to work effectively, and that new lawyers don’t feel they are adequately prepared for practice. The report finds that law students and law firms have yet to figure out how to leverage information technology in preparing these young lawyers for practice. These issues appear most ace for solo practitioners and smaller firms, who may stand to benefit the most from the use of new technologies in legal practice.
This luncheon provided the opportunity to identify concrete steps to help students transition to successful legal careers.
+ New Skills, New Learning: Legal Education and the Promise of Technology