Fall 2020 Virtual Open House
Berkman Klein Center and Friends
Please join us for our Fall 2020 Virtual Open House to learn about the Berkman Klein Center, our amazing community, and our Harvard friends. Berkman Klein faculty and staff look forward to meeting you!
Select Berkman Klein projects and programs will present with information about their current activities. Staff working with each of these projects are eager to share information about the big research questions they are considering, meet potential future collaborators, and solicit ideas. You may come for any portion of time during these sessions.
In keeping with the style of an open house, attendees are encouraged to visit any and all of the Center's different projects' virtual rooms. Presentations by staff will begin at the top of each half hour, followed by a 20 minute Q+A period. Attendees are invited to move freely through the rooms.
Projects and programs will include: BKC Policy Practice: AI; Network of Centers; BKC Fellows and Research Assistants programs; BKC Policy Practice: Digital Pendemic Response; metaLAB; Youth and Media; Algorythms and Justice; Lumen; Assembly: Disinformation; Media Cloud; Cyberlaw Clinic; Library Innovation Lab (friends of BKC); Nymity; Race, Tech and Media (friends of BKC); RiskDB; Web Integrity Project; Privacy Tools and more!
As a University-wide research center at Harvard, our interdisciplinary efforts in the exploration of cyberspace address a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences. If you're interested in the Internet’s impact on society and are looking to engage a community of world-class fellows and faculty through events, conversations, research, and more please join us to hear more about our upcoming academic year.
People from all disciplines, universities, organizations, and backgrounds are encouraged to attend the Open House. We look forward to seeing you there!