Public Domain and the American Ideal: Reading Group - Fall 2011
Fall term, Block
T 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Professor Charles R. Nesson
1 classroom credit LAW-34287A
In this reading group we will study two aspects of online liberty. We will
begin by studying a public domain case currently pending argument (October 4th)
in the Supreme Court of the United States, to which an HLS team submitted an
amicus curiae brief. We will host and participate in a gathering prior to the
argument of all the amici in Golan v. Holder to moot the case. Additionally,
our reading group will tackle the legal issues of online poker. We will draft
and file a complaint to clarify the legality of poker, and will engage in an
online tournament (note: participation in any of the poker tournaments will be
purely voluntary). The culmination of the poker portion of the class will be a
Harvard-Yale poker tournament held in Cambridge; the tournament and preparation
will be videotaped (with the consent of the class.)