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"Public sector should lead on broadband"

On March 6, Tallahassee, FL city commissioners voted unanimously to study Tallahassee’s fiber-optic and broadband networks. But, writes Jack Porter in an Op-Ed, this does not include a feasibility study on municipal broadband.

"Despite the initial investment, there is good reason to believe municipal broadband would result in cost savings to citizens. A 2017 study conducted by the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University found that in general, community-owned fiber networks in the United States charge less for entry-level broadband service than private providers. The study also found that Comcast offers different prices and terms for the same service in different regions. Admittedly, the study is inherently incomplete because of the unavailability of data — this is precisely why further study is necessary."

Read more in the Tallahassee Democrat...

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