partnership with colleagues at Keio University, the
Berkman Center is pleased to release a Working Paper on “Municipal
Government ICT in 3.11 Crisis: Lessons from the Great East Japan
Earthquake and Tsunami Crisis” by Mihoko Sakurai and Jiro Kokuryo.
You can download the Working
at SSRN.
From the abstract: "A
structured field survey of ICT divisions in 13 municipalities in areas
devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on March 11,
2011 revealed 1) lack of ICT business continuity plans (BCP), 2)
importance (and lack of) a comprehensive data backup policy, 3)
to deal with diverse situations, 4) importance of organizing
a collaborative network among governments and private sectors,
importance of securing power and network supply, among many
observations. Recommendations are made based on the findings on how to
formulate a BCP that can deal with a diverse range of
situations, and
policies in creating a collaborative network of a
diverse range of organizations to protect vital information
infrastructure in crisis.
Strong interests were shown toward the use of cloud technologies for
future backup purposes."
This Working Paper is translated, abridged and revised from the original report
prepared for Local Authorities Systems Development Center.
Please be in touch with our Keio colleagues with
thoughts or feedback. Mihoko Sakurai can be emailed and Jiro Kokuryo can be emailed