Tatiana A. Indina (PhD) is a researcher and social scientist with a current academic appointment at the Center for New Media and Society in Moscow, Russia.
Her research interests include: Internet governance, online communication, social movements and online activism, self-organization of social media networks, and psychological aspects of users' behavior online.
Tatiana's current research projects at the Center for New Media and Society are focused on online leadership, online activism in Russia and Runet regulations.
Her project with the Berkman Center is devoted to analysis of governmental initiatives and decision-making on Runet regulations.
In 2013-2014, Tatiana participated in a number of international research projects, such as: Ranking Digital Rights, in collaboration with New America foundation and Internews, UNESCO intermediaries study, and Global Internet Policy Project with University of New York.
In 2011-2012, Tatiana Indina was a Fulbright visiting scholar at the Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington DC, studying values and motives of US and Russian voters in 2012 political elections. Her PhD dissertation was also devoted to decision-making in political elections.
In 2012, while a visiting faculty member at American University (Washington DC), Tatiana investigated models of users' engagement from online communication to offline activism.
Tatiana Indina's professional background includes years of academic experience in research lab at the Psychological Institute, Russian Academy of Education, and also diverse practical work in PR, marketing and business consulting for the corporate sector in Russia and CIS.
Tatiana Indina also teaches courses on innovation management, leadership and entrepreneurship in Russian business schools and MBA programs and provides executive coaching for companies and government bodies in Russia and CIS.
Tatiana has written 4 books and over 50 scientific papers. Her last book, "CEO 2.0", tells how Internet technologies develop new competences for today's leaders.
Being born in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, and having traveled a lot around the world, Tatiana has a spirit of cosmopolitan researcher.She is an active participant of international events and a regular speaker at International conferences world-wide.