Kike Aluko is a JD/MBA graduate of Harvard University whose interests lie in the intersection between music and technology. She is passionate about using the law to protect and empower creators of color in the global music economy. She is particularly curious about harnessing the law as a technological tool to nurture Nigeria's creative industries as a way to fuel the country's economic growth. Kike has spent time working with the Nigerian Copyright Commission, Spotify, Creative Artists Agency (CAA), and Pandora. Before starting graduate school, she worked for six years in the non-profit sector, where she focused on supporting and empowering under-represented communities in health education and professional career development. Starting in September 2019, she will join the legal practice at Greenberg Traurig in their Entertainment Group. Kike graduated from Stanford University in 2009 with a degree in Psychology and a Minor in Music, Science, and Technology.