Open Law
Openlaw, derived from the open code model, is an experiment in crafting legal argument
in an open forum on-line. With your assistance, we will develop arguments, draft
pleadings, and edit briefs in public, online. Non-lawyers and lawyers alike are invited to
join the process by adding thoughts to the "brainstorm" outlines, drafting and
commenting on drafts in progress, and suggesting reference sources.
We believe that an open development process best harnesses the distributed resources of
the Internet community. By using the Internet, we hope to enable
the public interest to speak as loudly as the interests of
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Open Access
Today access to the Internet is obtained primarily over traditional
phone lines via dial-up modem service. Federal regulation has deemed these phone
lines to be "common carriers." As a result, the owners of such lines
are required to sell access to their networks to all companies who wish to utilize that
network--including all ISPs--on a non-discriminatory basis. The result of this
system of federal regulation and the resulting competitive marketplace is "open
access" to the Internet.
As Internet use expands at an exponential rate, users are beginning
to switch to high-speed Internet access, through cable modems, DSLs. The current debate is
whether the cable modem providers should provide the same "open access" to the
internet through their cable modems as exists now through the phone lines..
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