Legal Theory Workshop on Criminal Justice and the Internet
Beginning with a presentation that took place on February 20 by 2001 Berkman Fellow Dan Markel, the Berkman Center presented a workshop that explored legal theory relating to criminal justice and the Internet as well as the nexus between the two. The workshop, which met on Tuesdays from 6:30p.m. to 8:00p.m., was free and open to the public.
In the final presentation, on April 24, Stephen Heymann of the US Attorney's Office (D. Mass.) spoke on "Emerging Issues in Cybercrime: An Insider's Perspective, and on Thursday, April 26, Judge William Young spoke on "Judging Science in the Internet Age." Judge Young is the chief judge of the District Court of Massachussetts and has extensive experience presiding over cases involving complex technologies and science.
Archive of workshop papers:
- Is ISP Liability Desirable? by Assaf Hamdani
- Tech Bill of Rights Proposal, an open letter by the Access to Justice Technology Bill of Rights Committee
- Tech Bill of Rights Mission Statement
- Six Draft Principles for Access to Justice Tech Bill of Rights, a power point presentation by Richard Zorza
- Are Shaming Punishments Beautifully Retributive?, by Dan Markel