RB205: Remembering Elinor Ostrom
From the MediaBerkman blog:
CONTINUE OVER TO MediaBerkman FOR THE AUDIO AND MORE...Nobel Laureate and Economist Elinor Ostrom passed away last month at the age of 78.
Best recognized for her research into the management of common pool resources, Ostrom broke new ground with her findings that Commons were not inherently tragic, as previous generations of economists believed. In fact, Ostrom found examples of communities that could effectively manage limited resources, like agricultural land or open space, to prevent resource depletion.
Her work paved the way for researchers studying internet communities to explore how norms are established and cooperation is achieved.
On today's show Berkman researchers and affiliates Benjamin Mako Hill, Judith Donath, Mayo Fuster Morell, and Oliver Goodenough discuss how Ostrom's work impacted their lives.