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Global Voices Summit 2006

Global Voices Summit 2006

The main page and blog for the Global Voices Summit 2006 can be found here.

Global Voices Online was born at a workshop for international bloggers in 2004, held on the final day of the Votes Bits & Bytes Conference put on by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School.

The Global Voices Online blog at www.globalvoicesonline.orghas now emerged as the leading online portal and guide to international blogs beyond North America and Western Europe. It has also become the hub of a growing community of international bloggers who want to build a better global conversation.

The Global Voices Summit, on December 16th, will be our annual opportunity to take stock, come together and explore our central question: How can we use the Internet to build a more democratic, participatory global discourse? How can we create a more inclusive conversation about what is happening on our planet, and how human beings in different parts of the world are impacting each other in countless ways we don’t realize every day?

For more information about last year’s conference in London, please have a look at our summary and read articles about it in the Guardian and openDemocracy, an academic paper about us by the Center for Social Media, and a video titled “Many to Many” which includes footage from our London Summit.

Past Event
Sunday, December 17, 2006
8:04 PM - 8:04 PM

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Global Voices

Global Voices Online is an online citizen media community dedicated to amplifying independent online voices from outside North America and Europe.