One Web Day - MA YouTube Town Hall
One Web Day is fast approaching! Show your love for the Internet and join the celebration by volunteering at a OWD Citizen Video Station in Massachusetts.
From OWD organizers:
"Government BY the People!
Massachusetts YouTube Town Hall - 9/22/08
Help Massachusetts citizens form a more perfect union: On One Web Day - September 22, 2008 - We will set up Citizen Video stations around Massachusetts. If you are interested in better government and just a little technical, you can make a difference. The citizens need volunteers to help them capture and upload their video messages.
What will happen:
Citizens will speak out at a statewide YouTube Town Hall (YTH) on 9/22.
Citizen benefits:
-Speak out at a YouTube Town Hall near you on September 22
-Complain to the leaders - or -
-Be a leader.
-Qualify for one of 3 cool iPod prizes:
* New iPod Touch 16GB $299 value!
* New iPod Classic 120GB $249 value!
* New iPod Nano 16GB $199 value!
Each citizen video message will be put on YouTube and displayed at MA.NewGov.US.
Volunteer Duties:
1. Support a YouTube Town Hall video station for at least 4 hours on 9/22/08.
2. Ensure the YTH station has a web-linked computer with a video camera and quality microphone.
* Upload videos to YouTube.
* Tag YouTube videos.
3. You can create and host a station with your own portable.
Benefits to Volunteers:
Matching Rewards!
The highest-rated citizen videos will receive prizes:
* New iPod Touch 16GB $299 value!
* New iPod Classic 120GB $249 value!
* New iPod Nano 16GB $199 value!
Volunteers will be eligible for matching iPods if they assist a prize-winning citizen.
Volunteer at"