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Beyond Broadcast 2008 registration is open

Beyond Broadcast 2008 registration is open

"Mapping Public Media," following 2007's "From Participatory Culture to Participatory Democracy" and 2006's “Reinventing Public Media in a Participatory Culture,” is this year's Beyond Broadcast Conference frame.  Hosted this year by American University's Center for Social Media, June 17's Beyond Broadcast conference will be  using mapping and visualization tools to examine shifting forms, functions and fiscal strategies for public media projects. 

They're ahead of the game, and each week will post media maps to the BB site.  Check out their current slate of them, currently including a Global Voices map showing worldwide censorship.

The full day conference's agenda is up, and you can check out fellow participants.  

Registration is now open, and there is an early bird discount offered through April 30.  Don't miss out - like the Beyond Broadcast conferences before it, "Mapping Public Media" will drive public media progress forward, and it needs your help in order to do so!