Welcome to the New Berkman Center Site
Greetings, all. As you can see, we've started something new here today.
The idea, in a nutshell: not only do we want to make our research and resources more readily available to you, but we also want to reach out to the wider Internet community, participating more fully in the larger discussion, debate, and dialogue--or as Christopher Lydon puts it, the conversation.
As some of you may already know, I joined the blogosphere a little over a year a ago with Copyfight, a weblog on intellectual property issues. More recently, weblog pioneer Dave Winer joined the Berkman Center and took the lead with the Weblogs at Harvard Law project. The project exploded.
This new "blogified" Berkman website seeks to capitalize on what we've learned about weblogs and their capacity for enriching education, for building community, and for strengthening collaborative projects. Ideally, then, we'll be using this space for read-write communication. Translation? We won't just be talking about us. Instead, we'll be seeking connections between what we're doing here and what you're doing out there.
To that end, I'll be working to present, as clearly and accessibly as possible, the ideas we're grappling with and the goals we're hoping to further--while at the same time gathering news and information about what's happening in the larger cyberlaw community.
Before I go, a quick note of explanation regarding our new home page. To your right on the page is an area marked "Berkman Newsfeeds" that you may find confusing. This area aggregates posts by Berkman affiliates who keep weblogs and other sites from which we can scoop feeds. To see a particular post in full, simply click on the headline.
Finally, if you have questions or ideas about the new website, do send me an email and let me know. I'm all ears.
Post script: Our RSS feed is here.