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Voices without Votes: An International Perspective on Super Tuesday and US Politics

Three years ago, a session on "The Global Conversation: Blogs as Bridges," at Votes, Bits & Bytes, became an important conversation torward the formation of Global Voices.  Today, Global Voices launched Voices Without Votes, a project to "monitor global citizen media responses to US foreign and presidential politics in the run up to the elections; illuminate the effect of US foreign policy abroad and provide a lively and interactive news experience; and enable readers to experience American events through the eyes of ordinary citizens from outside the United States."

Join the conversation - VWV says: "If you are non-American or are based outside the United States, please write a post in your own blog with your thoughts on the presidential elections or any aspect of US policy as it is seen from your country, and send us the link.

If you are American, please join the conversation by reading Voices Without Votes and posting responses in your own blog with trackbacks to ours. If you don't have a blog, please leave your comments, or contact us."

Picture from Programwitch under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License