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Digital Entrepreneurship Needed Across All Media

Fresh from his new gig leading the Knight Center for Digital Media Entrepreneurship at Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication, Berkman Fellow Dan Gillmor  has penned an article for PR Week:

A cliche of business holds that good ideas are a dime a dozen; it’s hard work and investment capital that turn them into businesses. As with most cliches, this one has a solid foundation of truth.

But something has changed, and it has profound meaning for the future of media and communications, including PR. Digital technologies are dramatically reducing the cost of entree for creating new products and services, and, in the case of digital media, those costs can be close to zero.

This is one reason that communications of all kinds are being disrupted for business, in both methods and models. Traditional media-related enterprises, including journalism and advertising, are feeling the effects earlier than most, but everyone is vulnerable.

Still, one person’s vulnerability - in a world of low-cost experimentation - is another’s opportunity...

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