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Podcast Interview with and New Election Gigs

From the Public Radio Exchange...

Bob Weber and PRX Executive Director Jake Shapiro were on a panel together a month or so ago at the MIT Enterprise Forum and Bob subsequently interviewed Jake for the podcast. It's a good short snapshot of the who/what/why of PRX with a focus on the rights and licensing aspects of PRX.

You can stream or download the MP3 here.

Read more about Bob and his work with ManagingRights here...


What's not mentioned in the post above is the announcement that PRX is one of the partners in the just-announced Public Media Election Collaboration funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.  They will be working with other Collaboration partners to highlight citizen journalism throughout the campaign season and will as well be aggregating audio from the stumps, trails, and polling places. 

Congrats to PRX and to the others working on this effort; an audio currator and a social media curator are now needed at PRX to help with the work; check their page for more about the positions!